Morphe 35M Boss Mood Artistry Eyeshadow Palette Review & Swatches

I've found that when it comes to Morphe you either love them or you don't. I haven't tried to many items from Morphe before, but what i have tried i have always loved the quality of. I think their quality and price point is like no other, £23 for a 35 pan eyeshadow palette is incredible.

So Morphe are always releasing new palettes but not many of them have ever really caught my eye before until the 35m boss mood artistry palette, It's so gorgeous. The pan size of the shadows are huge you defiantly get a lot included inside and would last you ages. What drew me to this palette to begin with was all of the green shades included, in my collection i don't have any other palettes that have the same shade range as this, so that is why i bought it, and mainly because i fell in love with the glitter infused metallic shades which instantly give a gorgeous effect.

Morphe have recently changed the packaging of their 35 pan eyeshadow palettes so that they are more sleek and I'm loving this packaging so much more, so much easier to store. They come in a sleek, sturdy, matte black plastic packaging with a plastic protective cover that includes all of the shade names of each shade included inside. I don't usually keep the sheet that's included in palettes but in this case i did with is being a larger palette, it can be more easier to damage.

There is only one shimmer shade included in this palette called life of the party, i like how they have only included one as for me i never use these types of shadows, i find them pretty useless in any type of palette and always fine them difficult to incorporate them in an eye look. Now saying that this shade is really pretty and it has that right tone to work brilliant to highlight the inner corner and the brow bone. The only thing i would have like the have seen in this palette that is missing is a matte almost white colour, which i always find use full in any palette to set the eyelid base before going in with all of the other shadows. 

There is a great variety of matte and metallic shades in this, being that there are 16 metallic shades, 1 shimmer and 18 matte shades. I never really base the quality of shadows of swatched as even though some of the matte shades will show up great on the eyes they may not swatches as great as you might want. They are so insanely pigmented and i had no trouble blending out the matte shadows. I always find that metallic shades always swatch so well, no matter where you buy them from, but this formula is just amazing and one of the best that i have tried so far. They last so well during the day and didn't budge at all.

Some of the shades in the palette do look very similar, such as play it cool and peach keen, but when swatched they have a very different undertone. Play it cool has more of a cool undertone and peachy keen has more of a warm undertone. Another two similar shades are Centre of attention and sultry ways, in the palette they look very similar almost identical. Unlike the other 2 shades these both look very similar when swatched. Centre of attention is just a but more subtle.

With that being said i still love this palette and it is still really beautiful, and i do recommend it if you enjoy working with more vibrant colours and experimenting with different colours and new palettes. There is a great range of colours to create wearable and artistic looks. And its just amazing for the price.

Below are all of the shade names and swatches of all 35 colours (i apologise if my swatches aren't the best, It was hard to get a good photo):

First Row:

  • Light Of The Party
  • Popstar
  • Stroke Of Luck
  • Express Yo'Self
  • Nude Tude
  • Green With Envy
  • Sheen Stealer
Second Row:

  • Stand Out
  • Bold Moves
  • Electric Energy
  • Hello Sunshine
  • Play It Cool
  • Hawt Stuff
  • Peachy Keen
Third Row:

  • Fired Up
  • Bright Eyes
  • Bossy AF
  • FOTD
  • Talk Dirty
  • Hot To Trot
  • Sparks Fly
Fourth Row:

  • Confidence
  • Red Carpet
  • Power Slayer
  • Daredevil
  • Vampy Vixen
  • Sweet Beets
  • Colour Persona
Fifth Row:

  • Transformer
  • Centre Of Attention
  • Indi-Glow Kween
  • Grape Expectations
  • Candy Crush
  • Sultry Ways
  • Black Magic
I created a look with this using the green shades as they were just speaking to me and calling my name. i love how this turned out and i wish i knew how to take good pictures of eye looks i create as they never really turn out great and never really capture the right colours.

I hope you all enjoyed my review of the new Morphe palette and i would love it if you would comment letting my know your thoughts and let me know if you bought this palette your self and let me know in the comments as well what you thought of it. It would really mean a lot if everyone could follow as well i have really been putting my heart and soul into my blog and i would love for everyone to appreciate it as well. :)
I hope you find this use full and thank you so much for reading.


Chloe Chats said…
Lovely post! I love the pink toned eyeshadows, that's all I wear at the moment! I also love the shimmery tones, they're so pretty :)

Chloe xx

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